Modular Nights

The monthly free showcase of experimental electronic music will feature: Bryan Schuessler (noise), homealone, peters jacket, Swingsets, XEK, NiGHTofAL, and Musique Mystique.

Sunday, January 12, 5:00 PM at Substation - Event Page

Lana Del Rabies / God is War / TEST FRENZY / Hot Hail

A night of harsh industrial sounds featuring Lana Del Rabies (industrial noise) from Los Angeles, God is War (hyperaggressive electronics) from Los Angeles, TEST FRENZY (industrial noise), and Hot Hail (goth darkwave).

Wednesday, January 15, 7:00 PM at Substation - Event Page

Cecyl Ruehlen & Chelsey Lee Trejo / Tom Scully / Tarsier Levitation

Visiting from Tucson, Cecyl Ruehlen uses “an array of elements including guitar, synth, bells, found noisemakers, vocals, clarinet, bow, and other traditional and unusual instruments - their sounds fluidly mixed and layered into long-form, continuous soundscapes” and Chelsey Lee Trejo. They will be joined by Tom Scully (guitar) and Tarsier Levitation (special collaboration between Tarsier Eyes and Adam Levitt.

Wednesday, January 15, 7:00 PM at Vermillion - Event Page

‘An Observance of Absence’ / Alex Abrams / Royce Hobbs

“An Observance of Absence” (~35 min), by Jason Pappariella, is an abstract visual essay that documents interior and exterior places left vacant and dilapidated by the abandonment of Central Pennsylvania’s former coal-mining region, juxtaposing them against similarly neglected sites in industrial Eastern Europe. Adam Parks will accompany the video with a live musical score, performed on manipulated analogue four-track, using sounds recorded on-site in both locales.

Joining them will be Alex Abrams and Royce Hobbs.

Friday, January 17, 7:30 PM at Gallery 1412 - Event Page

Grinch / EKG / Masters of Tapwater / Vast Chains / Failson

The Grinch is delayed this year bringing fog and harsh sounds (performance by B|_ank, EKG (party noise), Masters of Tapwater, Vast Chains (death industrial obliterations), and Failson (electronic).

Saturday, January 18, 8:00 PM at Dracula’s Castle - Event Page