March 9 - Moraine / Everything Oscillating / Ffej
Moraine (progressive rock) will play along with relatively new psychedelic three piece Everything Oscillating (members from Moon Letters and Wah Wah Exit Wound) and Ffej (experimental electronic pop).
9:00 PM at Blue Moon Tavern - Event Page
March 10 - Pent Up! / Kitty Junk / I-90 Fiasco
Pent Up! (alternative rock) will join the exponentially energetic Kitty Junk (glam junk rock) and I-90 Fiasco (surf punk).
8:00 PM at Skylark Cafe - Event Page
March 11 - Forrest Friends / Steve Fisk & Lori Goldston / S. Glass (SFO) / Lara/Abyss (LA/PDX)
Lori Goldson (cello) and Steve Fisk (experimental) will play together along with Forrest Friends (experimental weirdo noise folk). S. Glass (experimental) from San Francisco and Lara/Abyss (sentimental acid) from Los Angeles / Portland.
8:00 PM at Gallery 1412 - Event Page